The booking form needs to be submitted back to us ASAP. Leja cannot be held responsible for any wrong information. Failure to return booking form or send incorrect information may lead to a long delay and possible non availability of villa
Personal Details
Your Name*
Your Email*
Your Home Address*
Your Passport number*
Your Mobile number ( the one you have here)*
Holiday Details
Holiday Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY)*
Holiday End Date (DD/MM/YYYY)*
Number of Adults in booking inc teenagers*
Number of Children in booking under 12*
Number of Babies in booking under 2*
Pet Details
Are you bringing a Pet* YesNo What type of pet is it?* Flight Details for departure for Spain Your Departure Airport* Your Departure Flight Number* Arrival Airport* AlicanteMurcia ETA estimated arrival time in Spain* Leja Airport transfer* yesno If no, please advise your means of arrival to La Marina* Flight Details for Departure from Spain "Departure Airport* AlicanteMurcia Your Departure Time (state AM or PM)* Your Departure Flight number* Any further information we might need Please prove you are human by selecting the heart. * ALL FIELDS MUST BE FILLED IN WITH THE CORRECT INFORMATION. ANY FALSE OR NON UPDATED INFORMATION PRIOR TO TRAVEL COULD INCURE A 50.00 EURO SURCHARGE (I.E ANY CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO COLLECT FROM THE AIRPORT) ANY CHANGE OF FLIGHT DETAILS BEFORE DEPARTURE) LEJA VILLA RENTAL CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY WRONG INFORMATION PLEASE ADVICE IF YOU WOULD LIKE A WELCOME PACK.? (This applies only to arrivals after 21.00 Hrs)